Cross 0319
Monday March 15, 2021
Apostle Takunda Sibanda
Goshen City Church
22740 Railway Strip
Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe
ccm Cross 0318
GPS/DMS 17 21’37” S 30 12’8”E

Additional Photos After Testimony
5362 cdd Populating Heaven
Cyber Daily Devotion
Volume 021 Number 085
Today’s Author: Pastor Bill
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 2:9
“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” NKJV
Hello, my name is Apostle Takunda Sibanda with Goshen City Church Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe. I grew up in the Midlands Province (middle point of the country) in a small town called Shurugwi. My father worked in a gold mine as a cage driver. He carried the miners deep into the earth each day in search of the precious metal. At the end of the day, he transported the miners back to sunshine, families and life above ground. We were a family of 7 children. 2 boys and 5 girls.
Growing up we were a church family, but we never knew who Jesus really was. In 1997 the year before I graduated from high school a friend witnessed to me about Jesus. He asked me simply, “Takunda have you accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior in your life. My only answer was, “I’m a Methodist.”
My friend did not give me an option. He immediately instructed me to raise my hands above my head and receive Christ as Lord and Saviour. Initially I told myself I was just doing it for the sake of the one witnessing to me. But that night I could not sleep. I asked myself, “What has taken place here? I needed to know.”
At the time I was living with my sister and brother-in-law who was a Pastor. I promptly woke them up in the middle of the night and explained what had happened to me. They rejoiced and preached the word of the Lord to me more that night.
From that point on I knew it was my Kingdom time and completely surrendered to Jesus. Since then, I have not departed from my faith while growing from glory to glory. By the End of 1998 I became a Youth Pastor. I grew quickly in the knowledge of the Lord because I was assigned as an interpreter for English Evangelists. The Holy Spirit challenged me while I was interpreting sermon after sermon into local languages. I became a born again, Holy Spirit inspired preacher.
I met my wife Linnet in 2006. We have three children. 2 boys and 1 girl ages 14, 12 and 8.
I sense an urgency from the Lord with what is happening around the world. The end times are speeding toward us and my heart is heavy to bring as many as possible to Christ. I’m taking on the responsibly to populate heaven with everyone I meet.
We held a Crusade in the Coldstream area of Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe which is about 100 miles Northwest of the capitol city of Harare. The area was big into witchcraft. Here we experienced a major miracle in our lives. Our theme for the Crusade was Resurrection Power. But little did we know that the Lord was ready to show up in such a big way.
A lady who was sick with a heart problem passed by on her way to the hospital looking very unwell. The lady of the home where we held the Crusade, a nurse, knew the woman and invited her in for prayer. Whilst I was checking for scriptures to share with her, she collapsed and was confirmed dead.
I was shocked by this event. We decided to immediately commit all that was going on to prayer. We picked up the deceased lady and laid her on the bed in the house. Linnet and I began to pray with spiritual anger, shaking the woman. Miraculously she woke and came back to life. As a result of her resurrection, a great revival broke out in the area and many came to Christ. The woman continued to the hospital for a check-up, and they declared her fit with no trace of a heart problem.
I pray that this Cross planted will cause the community to have confidence in Jesus and it will be easy for people to distinguish that we are a church among so many buildings in the area. I believe that through the planting of this Cross we have established our flag over this area taking territory for the Kingdom of God. This Cross planted is a clear confirmation and indication that this is the place of Christians.
What I like best about ministry is that we say Goshen is where the Son does not go down. I believe we are children of the light of Jesus Christ, the Son of God the Father. That we are distinctly different. Much like the Israelites when they lived in Goshen thousands of years ago.
The Israelites experienced a great deal of evil and many challenges in their time that God led them through. And we also are experiencing similar situations in these end times. I believe as God’s children, we are totally set apart, and we will experience a fulfilled life in Christ. So as a church, we always declare that we are children of light and are exceedingly unique because of The Lord Jesus Christ.
Prayer: Father thank you for Apostle Takunda and bless his efforts to populate heaven. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!