Thursday March 4, 2021
Bostick Family Cross
Nathan and Magan Bostick
Golden, Mississippi 38847
ccm Cross 0315
GPS/DMS GPS/DMS 34° 29′ 8.39″ N 88° 11′ 9.00″ W

Additional Photos After Testimony
5336 cdd Cotton Farmer Evangelist
Cyber Daily Devotion
Volume 21 Number 059
Today’s Author: Pastor Bill
Scripture: Ephesians 4:11
“And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers” NKJV
Hello, I’m Nathan Bostic from Golden, Mississippi. My wife Magan and I attend the Grace Community Fellowship with Pastor Tony, last week’s Cross testimony. This is my Cross testimony of how the love of the Lord surrounds me with family and friends. I was born in Tupelo, Mississippi the youngest of three boys. My dad is a farmer and through the years has been an agriculture instructor in schools. Growing up we attended church on Sunday, and we were active in Vacation Bible School.
Pastor Tony held an altar call. My mother-in-law turned to me and asked, “Nathan do you want to be saved?” I answered “yes.” I stepped forward and my life has never been the same. A peace overcame me that I never experienced before. I became hungry to learn more of what God had for my life.
Our church attended a Men’s encounter. I was challenged to see so many men — all sizes, shapes and ages loving the Lord Jesus Christ. That’s what I wanted.
Pastor Tony is a strong man of God and he preaches that we must clean up our lives for Christ. I was in the shower and like the water flowing over me I was spiritually attacked by an overwhelming evil power. I asked Jesus for help. He clearly said, “call Pastor Tony.” I jumped out of the shower and called him. He came over to our house and set me free of all the evil oppression that was overwhelming me in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Before that clash with the evil spirits in my shower, Magan describes me as being introverted, shy and very quiet. Since that day, the Lord has blossomed me into an extrovert who wants everyone I meet to know Jesus like I know Him — on a personal basis. Magan describes me as a cotton farmer evangelist preaching to everyone and inviting them to know Jesus. I’m a changed man for Jesus Christ.
Our miracle is our oldest daughter Laila. She was born healthy but from the very beginning vomited uncontrollably at times. We were told this will pass. But as the years passed it accelerated. The doctors were at a loss. Antacids were prescribed and more elaborate medications followed. Doctor after doctor could do nothing to stop the vomiting. This went on for seven years.
We prayed for an answer and the Lord led us to a Doctor from Denmark. By the time we found him he was shocked and surprised that Laila was still alive. He had seen some cases like this in his many years of practice but if gone untreated the children usually died before they were 7 years old. The Doctor performed a particular surgery and was able to untangle her interior plumbing and set it right. Today Laila is 9 years old and a bundle of joy and energy.
My favorite Bible verse is whichever one the Lord has lead me to read for that day. The Bible is so rich, clear and pure.
The Cross of Jesus Christ is a representation of His love for us. He gave His all for us and then He set us free for all eternity. What an awesome God we serve!
I would like this Cross planted in this cotton field along the busiest highway in the county to shout, “RUN TO JESUS” “JESUS LOVES YOU” JESUS MAKES EVERYTHING BETTER” “JESUS WILL SET YOU FREE.”
Editor Note: We have placed Crosses in many fields of corn, soybeans and wheat but this is our first Cross in a cotton field. To God Be All The Glory.
Prayer: Father thank you for setting those free who desire a walk with You. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!