ccm Cross 0312
Saturday February 27, 2021
Pastors Ray and Katrina Osborn
Cross Point Church
Iuka, Mississippi
ccm Cross 0312
GPS/DMS 34° 48′ 42.34″ N 88° 11′ 24.14″ W

Additional Photos After Testimony
5321 cdd Moving Out In Faith
Cyber Daily Devotion
Volume 21 Number 044
Today’s Author: Pastor Bill
Scripture: Hebrews 11:1
“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” NKJV
Hello, my name is Ray Osborn. My wife, Katrina and I Pastor Cross Point Church in Iuka, (pronounced i-u-ka) Mississippi. I was born April 19, 1954 to Paul and Eunice Osborn. I am the youngest of 4 children. My dad worked as a laborer for the 1st district of Tishomingo County. At the age of 11 my dad passed away and mom began babysitting and doing housework. She was a true child of God and did her best to direct her children in the way of the Lord.
As a young child, around 5 years old, I contracted Polio becoming unable to walk. My uncle and aunt, Evert and Francis Johnson, were Bible believing evangelists. They began to pray and seek the Lord for my healing. Within a 3 week period of time God restored the use of my legs.
At the age of 15 I accepted the Lord as my personal savior, but this was only the beginning. Sadly to say I was in and out of church throughout my early years of life. At the age of 32 I finally surrendered my life to the Lord for eternity.
I have worked in jail ministry, preached revivals, held assistant Pastor positions and Pastored. In 1988, 33 years ago, two friends and I organized a men’s prayer breakfast. This local group is still active and meets each Sunday morning.
Throughout my lifetime I have been an IBEW member which has benefited my life and family as well. In April of 2020 I retired from the trade after 43 years of service. Over the years I worked in this electrical trade as a worker in supervision and later management. I learned that working together as a team is a Godly trait.
During my lifetime as a child of God, He has proved himself to be faithful to me and my family in many mighty ways. We have experienced salvation, healings and miracles.
My wife and I would encourage each one who reads this devotion to not grow weary in well doing, for in due season you shall reap if you faint not. One of my favorite Bible verses is Psalm 46:10 which says, “Be still and know that I am God”.
We would like to thank Pastors Bill and Carol along with their team for the Cross planted.
Katrina prepared a video of the Cross raising that lasts 3 and ½ minutes. If you would like to view it please Click Here.
Prayer: Father thank you for the plans you have for everyone — help us to know clearly when it is You and when to move out in faith. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!