October 23, 2020
Pastor Martin & Anne Shikuku
Glory Baptist Church
Eldoret, Kenya, West Africa
ccm Cross 0306
GPS/DMS 0.5143° N, 35.2698° E

5231 cdd Doing Heartily
Thursday October 29, 2020
Volume 21 Number 218
Today’s Author: Pastor Bill
Scripture: Matthew 3:16-17
“When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him. And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, ‘This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.'” NKJV
Hello, I am Pastor Martin Shikuku and together with my wife Anne we Pastor Glory Baptist Church, Eldoret, Kenya. We are located 200 miles northwest of Nairobi, Kenya. This is my ccm Cross testimony of how the Lord has influenced my life from the very beginning and guided my path through the traumas of life.
I grew up in Eldoret the oldest of six children. My dad was a government official in the Kenya Forestry Department. Mom was at home with us. Both dad and mom died when we were very young. We were raised by our grandmother. Our grandmother made sure we were in church every Sunday. I attended church because it was expected but all the spiritualness was overshadowed by the many rituals.
I played football (soccer) when I was in high school. A Pastor confronted me with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was December 28, 1987 when he quoted 1Samuel 3:19-20: “Samuel grew, and the Lord was with him and let none of his words fall to the ground. And all Israel from Dan to Beersheba knew that Samuel had been established as a prophet of the Lord” NKJV
He preached the God of Samuel would never leave me nor forsake me. My father died and my mother died. I needed someone who would not leave me. When the Pastor asked, “who here wants to receive the Lord Jesus Christ the one that will never leave you nor forsake you?” I was all in and raised my hand.
Throughout high school I lived out Romans 1:16a. “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes.” NKJV I’ve never looked back or regretted my decision to follow Christ.
After high school I developed my skills in carpentry and decided to enter Bible school. This was the beginning of Glory Baptist Church in 1996. A few months later I received the opportunity to attend the Kenya Baptist Theological College. (KBTC) and my adventure with Jesus was shifted into high gear. It was here I met Anne and we married in 1998. I graduated KBTC in 2000.
Anne and I have four children — Josiah, Lydia, Becky and Shalom. This year we celebrated 24 years of marriage and ministry together.
We currently oversee 13 Churches, an orphanage with 13 children and support 50 underprivileged children. We have satellite churches in Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi, The Congo and Zambia. We also conduct a 2 year Bible school that graduates 15 every year.
I’ve had several visions of Jesus hanging on the Cross. So real it was as if I could reach out and touch him. Every time I see the vision it invigorates me and makes me more determined to tell everyone I meet just how much Jesus loves us. That He would give up his life for each one of us.
In my dreams I am evangelizing the whole world from a pulpit. The Lord is leading me from country to country.
Miracles have surrounded us. Like when we were holding a crusade in the city when the rains came. Everyone scattered under shop awnings. I kept preaching. Then we had an alter call and the rain came down harder. A Pastor we know, and his wife came out into the rain. The harder it rained the taller they stood with no umbrella or protection. They came forward begging the Lord for a child. They had been married for 12 years and tried everything medicine could do. We prayed in the rain.
One year later they returned with a miracle baby in their arms. The Lord had heard and answered their prayer.
Our vision for the future of this ministry is to make disciples of all nations and carry on to the end of the age wherever it takes us.
My favorite areas of ministry, which serves our outreaches well, are: Training, Teaching and Preaching.
My favorite Bible verse is: Colossians 3:23 “Whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men” NKJV
The Cross to me is the symbol of the Power of Jesus unto salvation to all who believe. Jesus loves the whole world and calls us unto Himself. By the stripes of Jesus everything is done. It is finished and eternal life is our reward.
Pastor Bill, ask your readers to pray for us. Anne and I have life challenges like everyone else. We have COVID-19 issues as well as family issues. And as we go forward to plant more churches, build and equip our new Bible School and reach out into the rest of the 54 countries in Africa — your prayers are coveted.
Prayer: Thank you Father for the opportunity to work Heartily for you in all things. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!