Saturday October 31, 2020
Restoration Fellowship Ministry
Nairobi, Kenya
ccm Cross 0279
GPS/DMS 1.2921° S, 36.8219° E
5236 cdd From Opioids to Freedom
Thursday November 5, 2020
Volume 21 Number 233
Today’s Author: Pastor Bill
Scripture: John 8:36
“Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed” NKJV
Hello, my name is Bishop Musa Chomba Thionga with Restoration Fellowship Ministry in Nairobi, Kenya. I grew up in Muranga County, Kenya which is 50 miles North of our Capital City of Nairobi. Growing up we were 7 children and I was number six. My dad and mom were farmers. We survived well on a ½ acre farm growing our food and doing odd jobs for money as necessary. We attended church some. This is my ccm Cross Testimony of how the hand of God picked me out of street gangs, violence, drugs and every bad thing.
I grew up on the streets. When I was not at home every evil thing attacked me. I knew better but once involved every attempt to stop smoking, drinking and drugging resulted in failure.
By the time I was 20 years old my life was out of control. I was a drunk hooked on opioids and cigarettes. I had an elderly neighbor woman who took an interest in my welfare and invited me to a local church revival. It was being held in a rented building in our neighborhood. Out of respect I went.
The preacher was preaching to me. He said we all have a choice of heaven or hell. He laid it all out before me and when the altar call came I could not resist accepting Jesus as Lord of my life. After the revival the preacher was drawn to me and we sat down one on one discussing what life in hell would be like. I knew I didn’t want any part of it.
From that day forward I never touched cigarettes, alcohol or any kind of drugs. Jesus removed all desires right then and there. I was set free of everything that was weighing me down. I found a new step in my feet. The Holy Spirit was alive in me. I understood that I was called to preach for the Lord.
I attended and graduated from Emmaus Bible School and then Pan Africa Christian University, a private Christian University in Nairobi. I knew my future wife from church but it was a few years later that we met again. We were married and now have four children.
My favorite Bible verse is the most read verse in the Bible John 3:16. It so defines what Jesus is all about. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” NKJV
I continually receive dreams from the Lord that as we expand our ministry I am preaching, singing and teaching in our neighboring countries of Rwanda and Uganda.
We regularly conduct tent crusades in the Embu, Kenya area which is 80 miles northeast of Nairobi. Here is an area where 40 of us travel to set up our tent and preach a Holy Spirit filled Gospel message. The people are hungry. Recently we broke down witchcraft spiritual strongholds and 20 people gave their lives to Christ. Witchcraft has a strong presence in that area and one by one we are breaking it down.
The Cross means to me FORGIVENESS. Jesus went to the Cross for each one of us taking our sins away when we believe He is the son of God.
The Cross just planted is a great representation of the forgiveness Jesus gives to everyone. I want everyone who passes by this Cross to understand that Jesus gave His life for them. They must believe in order to be saved.
Prayer: Father thank for sending Jesus to set us free of our addictions and to love and worship You. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!