Wednesday October 7, 2020
Thriving Life Church
22722 350th St
Erskine, Minnesota 56535
ccm Cross 0277
GPS/DMS 47.6687° N, 96.0092° W

Additional Photos After Testimony
5221 cdd What did I Miss
Cyber Daily Devotion
Volume 21 Number 208
Today’s Author: Pastor Bill
Scripture: Isaiah 65:24
“It shall come to pass That before they call, I will answer; And while they are still speaking, I will hear” NKJV
Hello, I’m Pastor Jim Binder from the Thriving Life Church in Erskine, Minnesota. I was born in Phoenix, Arizona the youngest of six children. My dad was an over the road truck driver and mom was at home raising us. We were a Southern Baptist Church family and when the doors were open we were there. When I was seven years old we moved to the Bemidji area of Minnesota where my mother was raised as a child. This is my Cross Testimony of how Jesus challenged me to test my theology.
At thirteen years old we visited a church in the rural areas where my Grandfather on my mother’s side was the Pastor. During the sermon there was an alter call where I responded. Before that I was part of a family that believed in Jesus Christ, but this was my time to own it. I stepped up and accepted Jesus Christ as Lord of my life.
Then we all moved to Fairbanks, Alaska. My dad wanted to buy the family farm in Minnesota and saw the oil boom in Alaska as an opportunity to make big money fast. We joined the Southern Baptist Church in Fairbanks, and it was time for me to step up and lead for Christ. Throughout high school I became the Southern Baptist high school representative in Alaska. This is when I met my wife Laura. Immediately after high school we married. I was 18 and she was 19.
My dad’s dream of buying the farm in Minnesota never developed as he wished. I co-founded a construction company in Alaska that was cleaning up toxic waste all the way back to World War 2. And cleaning up current oil spills as the oil boom exploded.
The Lord gave Laura and me three boys and we lost one. When I was 30 we moved to Minnesota and bought a portion of that farm that my dad had wanted to own. I started a construction company using my skills learned in the oil fields of Alaska.
In 1993 Laura became mysteriously ill. There were five people, who did not know one another, that were admitted to the Bemidji hospital with the same unknown illness. For two weeks Laura fought for her life. But after their professional best the medical team finally gave up. They asked me to call the family together as her fight was ending.
As Jim called their family together his sister-in-law asked if she and her fellow church members could come and pray for Laura. Jim said, “Yes.”
They came immediately and prayed. Two days later Laura walked out of the hospital never to return — the other four did not make it. Laura and Jim had no doubt that Jesus healed her through a miracle. Jim explained it this way, “It was time to re-think my theology. I asked the Lord, ‘What is in this Bible that I missed?’” Jim set out to find it.
Jim was on a quest. He joined Laura’s sister-in-law’s church. He opened his Bible with new intent, read it and listened to the Holy Spirit. Along his journey the Lord provided Jim with mentors. Jim learned the answer to his question that stayed with him. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit are for today. He joined the Pastoral staff at the Country Faith Church.
In 1999 Jim became a part-time Associate Pastor and continued his study becoming a full time Associate Pastor.
In 2015 Jim became a Church Planter when Thriving Life Church was established in the Erskine, Minnesota Community Center.
Today we planted a Cross at their new church facility which was built and 100% paid for by the growing congregation.
Pastor Jim’s favorite Bible verse: Nahum 1:7
“The Lord is good, A stronghold in the day of trouble; And He knows those who trust in Him” NKJV
Jim now Pastors a small church that is growing. He enjoys Mentoring the most. Advising and training the next generation of church leaders.
The Cross to Pastor Jim means dying to self — “The Cross tells me that my life is not my own and daily I must pick up my Cross and follow Jesus.” (“It’s not always fun!”)
This Cross planted today tells all who pass by that here is not just a church building but a Wellness Center. A Wellness Center where they will find the love of Jesus and discover what the Bible is all about. They can come to Jesus and realize how much He loves us.
Jim’s final comment revolved around reaching as many as possible for Christ: ”I must stay out of the Lord’s way!”
Prayer: Father thank you for opening our eyes to the truth so abundantly distributed in Your Bible. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!