ccm Cross 0275
Friday September 4, 2020
New Journey Church
505 9th St NW
Fosston, MN 56542
ccm Cross 0275
GPS/DMS 47.5761° N, 95.7517° W

Additional Photos After Testimony
5196 cdd Frozen
Cyber Daily Devotion
Volume 21 Number 183
Today’s Author: Pastor Bill
Scripture: Job 37:10
“By the breath of God ice is given, And the broad waters are frozen” NKJV
Hello, My name is Pastor Tyler Stynsberg with New Journey Church of Fosston, Minnesota. This is my Cross story of how the Lord has directed me from early childhood in preparation for such a time as this.
I was born in Roseau, Minnesota which is 10 miles south of the Canadian border. Our daily lives intertwined with our Canadian neighbors to the north. I was the oldest of three children. My dad has worked at the Marvin Windows company in administration my whole life. Mom is a daycare provider.
We are a Christian family and dad and mom were always active in the lay ministry of our Baptist church. I met Jesus Christ at our kitchen table at six years old when mom shared the difference of eternal life with Jesus or eternal damnation with Satan. I chose Jesus.
High school for me was an experience of grace where I was mentored by a group of loving, caring and dedicated Christian parents. Through my Christian upbringing I strove to earn favor with God. I was performance driven. I set goals to do my best. This was my springboard to a Christian college.
I chose Providence Christian College in Otterburne, Manitoba, which is 90 miles to the Northwest of Roseau, Minnesota. Otterburne is 50 miles south of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
During college I continued a performance driven life. I felt that no matter what I did it was not good enough. This thinking frustrated me and wore me out. After graduation, my frustration was magnified when everywhere I sent my resume for a church position they rejected my application.
Then the light bulb went on at a Christian camp where I was volunteering. The speaker was there to speak to the kids and he hit me between the eyes. I recognized anew the simple grace of the Gospel of Jesus Christ was a free gift.
I had been wearing myself out trying to be good enough through my performance to earn what God had already freely given me through Jesus. All I needed to do was ask for the free gift of eternal life with Jesus. I did. The performance weight was lifted off my shoulders. I gave all my expectations to Jesus and waited on Him. This changed my life.
Very soon doors began to open, and I found myself volunteering at a youth retreat in Fosston, MN. Here I met a couple former campers who directed me to people from New Journey Church in Fosston who needed an assistant Pastor. I was hired.
That was ten years ago. My first five years were filled with the joy of learning and meeting a loving, caring congregation. During this time, I met Emily and we married. Four months ago, our beautiful daughter Juniper was born.
I’ve been blessed to witness answers to prayer for those who come forward to seek the Lord. This started when I was in high school in Roseau, Minnesota.
A student from a nearby town had partied late into an icy cold Minnesota night (-40 degrees in not uncommon!). They found him frozen in the snow in the morning. He was given up for dead. Our youth group assembled, and we went to our knees for his life and soul. We prayed as we never had prayed before. This young man needed a miracle. How do you ask the Lord for a miracle?
We prayed, we begged Jesus, we united like never before! He survived! We gave the Lord all the Glory for this miracle in all our lives.
Since then I’ve seen answers to prayers that only God can orchestrate. Healings, relationships restored, strongholds broken down and answers where there were no answers.
Throughout my personal journey with the Lord I’ve participated in many camp environments. It is such an incredible building block for children to meet the Lord.
Pastors Bill and Carol, I encourage all our readers to send their children, grandchildren and anyone’s children to a Bible Camp. The benefits are eternal. If you are a parent and cannot afford Bible Camp talk with your Pastor. Your Pastor will find a way to get your children to Bible Camp. It is an experience that stays with children for a lifetime!
As a Pastor, Preaching and Teaching are what I enjoy best. Bringing the word of God alive in a person’s life gives me great joy. And I praise the Lord for what He will do as they become part of His family.
My favorite Bible verse is 1 Peter 3:15: “Sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear” NKJV
The meaning of the Cross to me is a constant reminder of what Jesus did for me personally. He suffered an awful scourging, nails and separation from God. The Cross is a symbol of death that brings new life. It breaks down strongholds that would destroy us.
This Cross planted tells all who see it that God loved us so much that he sent His son Jesus Christ to death on the Cross. A death that opened eternal life for us through His resurrection. Jesus is the greatest treasure for all mankind.
Prayer: Father thank you for unthawing icy situations when people pray. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!