ccm Cross 0269
Saturday June 20, 2020
Kingdom Construct Ministries
4880 Walczak Rd
Sturgeon Lake MN 55783
ccm Cross 0269
GPS/DMS 46°25’12.8″N 92°54’14.4″W

Additional Photos After Testimony
5156 cdd With My Own Eyes
Cyber Daily Devotion
Volume 21 Number 144
Today’s Author: Pastor Bill
Scripture: Matthew 6:22
“The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light” NKJV
Hello, my name is Melody Trester with Kingdom Construct Ministries in Sturgeon Lake, Minnesota. This is my Cross testimony of how Jesus Christ has been a part of my life since I was 7 years old. And how when I drifted from Jesus He carefully called me back to His presence.
I was raised in St. Paul (west side) Minnesota the fourth of five children. My dad was a mechanic while mom was busy at home with all us kids. Dad broke his neck and could no longer work. We would regularly attend my Great Uncles church. I remember that we always felt filled with The Holy Spirit and after also had great food at Eddie Moe’s in Excelsior, MN. We enthusiastically participated in singing and praying for people. This built my Faith from a young age.
At seven years old I was growing up on Jimmy Swaggart music. While listening one day I was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in tongues. My life was influenced forever.
After my dad broke his neck things got tough. I ate at houses of different friends each night for dinner on a rotation basis. That is until my dad joined with my Grandfather in “The Mission”. A food ministry / homeless shelter on Lake Street in Minneapolis. After that we had plenty of food. Dad started his own food shelf on the West Side of St. Paul under my Grandfathers Organization.
At age 13 I looked out the window that was facing the backyard as I walked down the stairs. I was checking to see how the weather was for the day. As I looked I saw a man in a white robe with a red sash wearing brown sandals. His face was what I thought was the sun — it was so bright. I knew this was Jesus!
I had to take a second look and see if I was awake. I was seeing Jesus WITH MY OWN EYES! He spoke to me very clearly saying, “Don’t Worry it’s all going to be ok.” He spoke directly to my heart and he took 3 steps towards our home then disappeared. I ran down the steps and told my Mom what happened! Mom was so excited when I told her I had seen Jesus with my own eyes. She shared with me for the first time that as a little girl she had seen angels.
From that point on my relationship with Jesus was strong but I made a series of wrong choices. By the age of 25 I found myself having been married three times . My son Peter was born perfectly fine but at age 2 1/2 developed an extreme case of pervasive developmental Autism. One man I married was a Muslim who converted to Christ just to marry me. He then demanded I convert to Islam. That marriage did not last very long.
My biggest challenge building a family was the struggle of re-marrying when I had a child with severe Autism. That is until six years ago when the Lord brought my husband Scott into my life. Today we live in Sturgeon Lake, Minnesota on a farm where we can freely exercise our Kingdom Construct Ministry and tend to Peter’s 24 hour needs care. The Lord opened a door and provided the money for the farm that we could pay for in cash. We reach out into the community supporting local churches with tent, worship, and feeding ministry as well as general support as needed.
I had a marvelous dream where our autistic son, Peter, was speaking at a Louis Palau event to thousands of people. He was standing straight and tall on stage and speaking every word clearly and coherently. The people were hearing him proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord. When things get tough when we minister to Peter I dwell on this dream. I know that whether it is here in my lifetime, or in Peters Lifetime or in heaven he will be a living testimony to the healing power of Jesus Christ.
My favorite Bible verse which I claim every day in my life is:
Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” NKJV
Since our ministry of Kingdom Construct does so many different things, for so many different people and churches, I find myself liking to proclaim the name of Jesus Christ as King of Kings best.
Pastors Bill and Carol thank you and your readers for providing this Cross as a daily reminder that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD.
Prayer: Father thank You for completely equipping us in your likeness for Your purpose. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!