ccm Cross 0265
Thursday May 28, 2020
Angel and Paul Bollman
Minneapolis, Minnesota
ccm Cross 0265
GPS/DMS 35°14’42.4″N 81°20’28.3″W

Additional Photos After Testimony
5151 cdd Bollman Cross
Cyber Daily Devotion
Volume 21 Number 138
Today’s Author: Pastor Bill
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 10:13-14
“No test or temptation that comes your way is beyond the course of what others have had to face. All you need to remember is that God will never let you down; he’ll never let you be pushed past your limit; he’ll always be there to help you come through it” MSG (Bible Paraphrase)
Hello, my name is Paul Bollman. I was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota the oldest of two children. My mom was 15 when I was born, and dad 17. We all grew up together. My dad was a printer by trade and mom began her career working in administration for the Dayton Department Store company. Dayton’s was sold to Macy’s Department Store and mom continued to work in Minneapolis in administration. We were not a church family.
My only exposure to church was through my grandmother who loved my dearly and every Sunday made sure I was in Sunday school and in church with her. When I was 17 years old I tasted my first drug. I was off to the races. For the next twenty years needles, pipes and drug paraphernalia were my “best friends”.
I jumped into the drug culture quitting school and ran with a pack of druggies. None of us worked. We lived the “high life” by stealing from everyone we could at every opportunity. It was a lonely, miserable life fraught with fear, depression, mistrust, lies, treachery and sex. Rebellion with a capital “R” exuded from my very being leaving me an empty shell. This is my testimony of how the Lord set me free from drugs, alcohol and rebellion.
Eighteen years later I woke up a destitute and penniless song writer — just another junkie in need of a “fix”. I was living with a girl who was 7 months pregnant. We decided for the sake of the child we would “get clean”. She entered rehab. I only made excuses. Fear of never having a drug high gripped me. It paralyzed me. While she was cleaning up her act having our son Seth I was selling everything we had in our apartment to pay for more drugs.
There I sat on the floor holding and playing the only thing left that I owned — my guitar. I yelled the most spiritual thing I could remember based on my grandmothers influence” “GOD, IF YOU ARE REAL HELP ME.” The guitar immediately began to vibrate, and smoke rolled out of it. Shadowy demons flew out it and then they flew out of me.
I had already been through 14 rehab programs. But that one moment in time on the floor with my guitar started a new journey with the Lord that has changed my life forever. I entered the Salvation Army rehab program. I never felt so free. I influenced others for Jesus Christ. I loved everyone and wanted them to know the truth so they could be set free of their addictions.
Nine months later, I put myself in a compromising situation. I relapsed with my girlfriend, who is the mother of our child Seth. I was controlled by demons again. I could not stop, despite the threat, that I would bottom out and lose my child and girlfriend. Once again, God gave me grace. I trusted the Lord completely. Although, I received custody of my son I was unable to stay with my girlfriend due to her continued commitment to drugs.
After being single for fourteen years, trusting in the Lord, I married my wife Angelica. She had moved to Minneapolis from Pennsylvania to enter a rehab program. She came here to start a new life. We started that new life together. We experienced true deliverance from our drugs, demons and past life through the ministry of Lighthouse Ministries, International, St. Paul, Minnesota.
I was always unable to say, “Jesus Christ is Lord of my life” because of my underlying hidden sins. Today Jesus Christ is Lord of my life and my everything because I have been set free. Today Seth is living with his mom and stepdad, who have since found freedom in Christ. My other 5 children are living under our care and protection. Three of them have professed Christ so far. The Lord has filled our quiver with joy and love. The Lord has restored many times over as I now own my own roofing business providing for our family.
My favorite Bible verse is: John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness”. To me, this verse means that he will change in me whatever sin I bring into the light.
The Cross means I am forgiven because of what Jesus did on it. One would be hard pressed to find anyone who needed forgiveness more than me. But because of Jesus on the Cross it is as though my sins never existed, I will be forever grateful.
Angelica and I want this Cross planted in our back yard to proclaim throughout the neighborhood that Jesus Lives—and through him there is eternal life. And that THERE IS HOPE FOR ADDICTS. I know this because whatever I have trusted Jesus with, in my life, has impacted everyone around me with long lasting fruit.
For any addict who reads my testimony here is my prayer: Father I pray my friend reading this right now will read my testimony with no interference from Satan and that my friend will clearly hear there is life after addiction and make the choice right now to be set free. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!
PostScript: My father John has come to Jesus since Pastor Bill and friends, planted the Cross in our yard. My dad was able to sign it and I have had the privilege to disciple my dad. Please pray for my dad John, for it has caused a rift with Mary my unbelieving mom. And please join us in prayer that my mom will come to know the love of Christ.