ccm Cross 0264
Thursday May 14, 2020
The Fathers House Of Worship
Kings Mountain, North Carolina
ccm Cross 0264
GPS/DMS 35°14’42.4″N 81°20’28.3″W

Additional Photos After Testimony
5146 cdd Love and Endurance
Cyber Daily Devotion
Volume 21 Number 133
Today’s Author: Pastor Bill
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 1:3
“We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ” NIV
Hello, my name is Pastor Roger Mitchell with The Fathers House Of Worship in Kings Mountain, North Carolina. This is my Cross testimony of how Jesus directed my path for his Kingdom.
I was born in Martinsville, Virginia the oldest of three children. My mom and dad split when I was five years old and mom and I headed for New York City. Mom was a computer programmer for IBM, and she was climbing the latter of success. I never had much contact with my dad and other two siblings after that.
We lived in the Bronx at first and as success would have it we settled into Manhattan. Mom did not believe in a god and was a functional alcoholic with the nick name “Wild Rose.” There was no church in my life. During high school I took an interest in music and in all religions studying each one.
It was the 1960’s and drugs were everywhere. There was a Jesus movement going on and I was showing interest. Then “a friend” slipped LSD into a friend of mines soda. Others began praying for him and he was released from the effects of the drug.
I joined a Jesus cult wanting to tell all the druggies about Jesus. School was wasting my time. I dropped out of high school and joined the Navy where I received my GED. I was stationed on the USS Mount Vernon, a US Navy dock landing ship.
All interest in Jesus was gone on the ship and drugs overtook my very existence. Our captain was a volunteering maniac and we spent very little time in port. Over my three years in the Navy I spent 2.5 years at sea. High on drugs the whole time. I would spend countless hours late at night on the stern of the ship looking into the starry night stoned.
After the Navy I returned to NYC with no foundation of God and secured a job as a retail store manager for The Great North Woods. After some time, I relocated to Greensboro, North Carolina to continue a career in the retail industry.
I was transferred to Gastonia, North Carolina. There I met my soul mate Lou who was a shining example of Christianity and beautiful to boot! We were married one year later.
Lou loved the Lord and through her love and acceptance I found Jesus Christ. When we first met Jesus spoke to me. He said, “Take good care of her.” That got my attention!
I joined her church becoming active in the music ministry. We grew in that church and as the Lord led us in our relationship we grew in leadership. As I studied the word it came alive. I was being called to be a Pastor but I ran as fast I could from that!
Then a visiting Pastor came from Florida and had a word for me during a church meeting: “What are you waiting for – you have everything you need to become a Pastor.” He didn’t know me. He didn’t know I was running from such a situation. But the Lord did and used him to encourage me. Lou was right behind him. The congregation was right behind them. I had no sound system, no office equipment — nothing — except my Bible!
I left that meeting challenged but not ready. We were able to secure a room at the local YMCA to begin having church. Then I was asked to join the local YMCA board of directors, God had found favor!
When I finally said yes to my Pastor calling God provided. Within a few weeks I had everything we needed to operate a church. And it was free! The Lord was confirming what I should do. There were no more excuses!
After a year and a half God said it was time to move locations. Lou found the building that we are currently in. We had no money and no banking relationship to help. We could not finance the building. We went to the owners and offered a contract for deed. They accepted our offer for one year. After that year they offered to sell the building to us and finance it since we now had a record of paying promptly. They offered an amount and we as a board prayed and all received a figure 50% less. We made the offer. During several weeks of negotiating we prayed. The Lord answered as they accepted it.
We serve a God who can change the minds of Kings and Nations — we saw it in action.
We have experienced a plethora of miracles in our congregation:
4 marriages restored
Street ministry salvations
2 Drug addict children restored
Leukemia and other Cancers cured
Liver transplant miracle where they were told there was no match
We have a church vision of the Spirit of God sweeping in and covering everyone with the Love and Endurance of Jesus.
2 Timothy 2:10 Therefore I endure all things for the sake of the elect, that they also may obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory.
The Cross is a symbol that Jesus loved us enough to get on that Cross knowing that I would fail Him. He accepted this in joy because I am His Joy.
This large Cross is notice to everyone in the valley that we are a people who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and His message of the Cross. It is notice in the midst of a COVID-19 government shutdown that you can’t stop the gospel. There is still hope and it is here at the foot of the Cross!
Prayer: Father we give You honor and glory for how You change the minds of Kings and Nations. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!