ccm Cross 0261
Sunday May 10, 2020
Rummage Room Thrift Store
Darien, Georgia
ccm Cross 0261
GPS/DMS 31°22’12.7″N 81°26’02.4″W

Additional Photos After Testimony
5131 cdd Applying Joy
Cyber Daily Devotion
Volume 21 Number 118
Today’s Author: Pastor Bill
Scripture: 1 Peter 1:8-9
“You have not seen Christ, but still you love him. You cannot see him now, but you believe in him. So you are filled with a joy that cannot be explained, a joy full of glory. And you are receiving the goal of your faith—the salvation of your souls” NCV (Bible Paraphrase)
Hello, my name is Judy Wolfe with the Rummage Room Thrift Store in Darien, Georgia. I was born in Phil Campbell, Alabama the youngest of two children. We are both girls. And this is my Cross testimony of how Jesus has worked in my life for His glory!
My dad was an Electro Magnetic Crane Operator for the Ford Motor Company. Mom was at home. Growing up we were not a church family. When I was seven years old my neighbor invited me to church. That was it — I gave my life to Jesus Christ and since then I have never looked back.
When I was 15 years old I rededicated my life to Christ and took on responsibility for introducing others into the Kingdom. When the church doors were open I was there, and I led the Christian Teens in our high school.
My biggest challenge was my family. They did not share my joy in the Lord. I had to beg for rides to church, youth group and any Christian event I was active in. Then I became 16 years old and could drive. It was my freedom ticket to worship God when and how I wanted having my own wheels.
I graduated high school and attended Christian College in Nyack, New York. About an hour north of New York City near the Tappan Zee Bridge. It was an incredible experience to learn about the exploits of Jesus during the week. Then we put them into practice every weekend as we traveled into the heart of New York City witnessing for Jesus.
The Bible came alive as scripture after scripture played out in the lives of people on the streets. There was such joy in these witnessing experiences for Jesus.
I met my future husband Tim at College. We were married when I graduated. Together we shared a love for Jesus we wanted to share with others. We intenerated and became missionaries in Hong Kong before it was returned to Communist China.
We spent 26 years in Hong Kong and 1 year in Mainland China. Our oldest daughter was born while we were on furlough in the USA and we returned to minister in Hong Kong. Three years later we adopted a 14-month-old Chinese daughter. Our family was complete. We spent our time on mainland China as English teachers and then my dad died. He had experienced Jesus some years back and my mom received Christ also. My sister met Jesus during the Jesus People Revolution in America.
It was time for us to stay in America. We settled in Georgia three years ago. I began working at The Rummage Room Thrift Store as a volunteer. We help with secondhand clothes and feeding the poor as food becomes available. But then God — the store was receiving only limited clothing donations and food funds when I began to pray for increases. Increases in traffic, increases in inventory, financial donations and increase in ministry opportunities. I began praying for everyone who came in the store (or at least asked them if they wanted prayer). Then Jesus took over.
A man limped in using his walker and I asked him if I could pray for him. We did and he left. We saw him a few days later. He walked up to me with no walker and said, “Thank you for the prayer. I was healed by Jesus.”
Prayer has become as much a part of what we do at the Rummage Room Thrift Store as receiving and selling goods. Then the door opened for 19 cents a pound food. We have between 200 and 250 families that we acquire food for each month. God answered our prayers and opened the doors to food in a big way.
The proceeds of our sales at the Rummage Room Thrift Store only took us so far in acquiring food. We never had enough. But now the $500.00 we receive from sales of used goods applied to 19 cents a pound for food — acquires the equivalent of $10,000 in food. That’s a 20 fold increase.
We give it away freely and pray for everyone. To God Be All The Glory!
We also connect with a van ministry where I take food and clothing, shoes etc. to downtown Brunswick, Georgia. That’s where the Remnant Church distributes as needed to help those on the streets. And we also minister to many homeless passing through Darien, Georgia and many low income families.
In the future we are praying for a fifties style motel where we can help house homeless for short periods of time. Please pray with us that this becomes a reality.
Thank you Pastors Bill and Carol and your readers for this wonderful Cross. It is such a blessing to us and our entire neighborhood. Every car that passes will have a direct view of it as they stop for the stop sign right in front of our store. Hallelujah!
My Favorite Bible Verse: Jeremiah 29:13 “And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart”. We live this every day.
What I like best about this ministry is encouraging people, giving them opportunities and connecting them with Jesus.
For me, the Cross is the only tangible symbol that Jesus physically left behind, because He did not want us to worship an idol. The Cross is a symbol of hope known throughout the world, even by unbelievers. It is a symbol of resurrection life and the power to walk in freedom from the power of sin! My desire is that all who see this beautiful symbol of hope will:
1. Connect to the Lord Jesus if they don’t know Him
2. Reconnect if they have strayed from Him
3. Be inspired to “ keep on keeping on” if their hearts are walking in fellowship with Him!
Prayer: Father thank You for Kingdom workers where their Joy and Love for Jesus bubbles over and is more contagious than COVID-19. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!