ccm Cross 0256
Monday January 27, 2020
Elwandle Cross
Eswatini, Africa
ccm Cross 0256
GPS/DMS 26°30’29.5″S 31°22’16.7″E

5106 cdd Five Generations
Cyber Daily Devotion
Volume 21 Number 093
Today’s Author: Pastor Bill
Scripture: Joel 1:3
Tell your children about it, and let your children tell their children, and their children the next generation” NKJV
The Bible clearly speaks to how generations are impacted by our ancestry.
She looks just like her grandmother. He speaks like his uncle. She is determined just like her grandfather. He is always grumpy just like his uncle.
More specifically. He was depressed just like his father and grandfather. She domineers just like her oldest sister and great grandmother.
He was an alcoholic just like … She was impulsive just like…
You can probably go through a list of family members and fill in the blanks.
He was a preacher just like … She was a Church coral director just like …
He was a banker just like … She excelled in gymnastics just like …
Today’s devotion speaks of one family over five generations who lived and struggled just like the rest of us, except that they experienced blessings (through life’s trials) that will reverberate through the ages.
We placed Cross number 0256 in Eswatini, Africa, previously called Swaziland. The Cross is the testimony of five generations serving the Lord.
This family story of deep respect and love for God begins in the late 1800’s in Scotland. The story endures through five generations up until today. A summary of the five generations shows:
Generation 1: Samuel Wilson Hynd and his wife Margaret (lived in Perth Scotland)
Samuel was granted permission to build “Mission Halls” at every train station where the Royal Scots Railroad stopped for passengers. Through his ministry thousands upon thousands came to know Christ in those days.
Generation 2: David Hynd and his wife Kanema (lived in Bremersdorp (Manzini) Swaziland)
David served in the British Army in World War I. When the dust settled he was the only member of his unit left. The only survivor. He cried to the Lord, “why me, for what reason?” The Lord answered and to date five generations have seriously served the Lord.
Generation 3: Samuel Wilson Hynd and wife Rosemarie (lived in Manzini, Swaziland/ current day Eswatini). Samuel founded the Manzini Medical Centre in downtown Manzini the largest and most prosperous city in the country.
Samuel worked with the governments of Germany and the Netherlands to reinvent the College of Nursing. They added science labs and modern lecturing halls, as well as the College of Education and the Manzini Nazarene High School. After 27 years in missionary service King MswatiII of Swaziland asked Samuel to take on the responsibilities of developing the Ministry of Health nationally.
Generation 4: Elizabeth Hynd lives in Eswatini, Swaziland
Elizabeth is a science educator with degrees in Medical Biochemistry, Science Education, Curriculum Development and Supervision. She was raised in a missionary home but was not born again until March 15, 1972, while at the University in Johannesburg, South Africa. Within five weeks she was baptized in water, another five weeks and she was baptized in the Holy Spirit and five weeks later called to full time missionary service. (refer to her story in 2019 “Three Crosses at New Hope Centre” Bethany Mountain, Swaziland).
Generation 5: The Abrahams of Eswatini (live in Eswatini (Swaziland)
The fifth generation in this story are the children adopted by Elizabeth into the Abraham family, named after the Father of Faith, Abraham. The first three children, Anna, Debrah and Joel arrived on September 1, 2003 at New Hope Centre. Today they are fine young people of character and strength. Anna is in law school at the University of Eswatini, Debrah is a third year student in the Swaziland College of Theology (International Assemblies of God) and Joel is just completing his Commercial Pilots License. John Abraham joined us in early 2004 when he was a babe in arms carried about on the hip of his adopted mom, Elizabeth Rose Hynd.
Elizabeth Hynd (Generation 4) has documented in detail the life and times of these five generations. The story is a bit long for us to print here. But for those who would like to read how the Lord turned an ordinary soldier from World War I into One of Africa’s greatest missionaries — we have it here. It is an enjoyable walk through the life and times of missionaries from Europe making an incredible difference for Jesus in Africa. In the time it will take you to drink a refreshing cup of coffee experience a life sold out for Jesus and the complete picture of five generations. I’m happy to send you the short story — please send me an email and ask for The 5 Generation Short Story.
Prayer: Father thank you for those who prepare to pass on their faith to the next generations. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!