ccm Cross 0255
Monday January 27, 2020
Spoken Word Fellowship
Greytown, South Africa
ccm Cross 0255
GPS/DMS 29°04.2761’ S, 030° 35.5557’ E

Additional Photos After Testimony:
5101 cdd It Was Never Considered
Cyber Daily Devotion
Volume 21 Number 088
Today’s Author: Pastor Bill
Scripture: Matthew 19:26
“Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” NKJV
Hello, my name is Deacon Marvelous Makhathini with the Spoken Word Fellowship of Greytown, South Africa. I was born in Durban, South Africa the oldest of five children. We moved to Greytown, South Africa by way of Colencso to live with our Grandmother “GoGo” during the 1990’s. I never knew my dad or mom. GoGo raised us. We were in church every opportunity.
When I was 17 I quit school — I never quite fit in as life was always challenging. I was heading down the road in a bad way. Smoking, drinking, and hanging out with the wrong kind of people.
I literally stumbled into a revival tent half-drunk one night. I heard the preacher say, “All things are possible with God.” I needed that — and I came back to hear more. Every night I listened. My friends ridiculed me at first and then just plain deserted me. I was completely rejected by my “friends” for even listening to a preacher.
I gave my life to Christ in an altar call under that tent. The Lord gave me a new set of friends. Ones that cared who I was and loved me into the Kingdom of God. My new friends were the family of God. I dropped the swearing, smoking, drinking and all my evil ways as a born-again child of God.
I joined with the tent ministry doing odd jobs at first, then learning by example. The preachers were my mentors and my instruction manual was the Bible.
I met Mtombente and we were married two years later. We now have three children. A Girl 16 Mbalenhle (means good flower), Boy 12 Mbuyiselo (means restoration) and a Girl 6 Abigail.
Since walking with the Lord miracles happen that amaze me. Growing up I inherited asthma from my parents. It inhibited many things in my life. We could not afford the necessary medication to live a normal life. I struggled every day. The Lord took it away. It was a gift for receiving Him that I never considered.
When I began my business as a builder things did not go well. Soon we were swimming in debt with three children to feed. Then the phone rang. A man I had never met hired me to do a major project for him. He immediately deposited more money than needed to cover my debts and paid me in full when the job was completed. The Lord has continued to provide work and income to support my family.
As an off shoot from the tent ministry we started Spoken Word Fellowship. I am the Deacon and we meet in our house with a dedicated group of Christ followers. I am studying my way toward being ordained and look forward to the day I can Pastor a church full time and leave my construction years behind.
The biggest miracles witnessed have been about my protection. I have been involved in three serious car accidents — all three were at a high-speed and upon impact multiple rollovers. The love of Christ and angels protected me as I walked away from all three without a scratch.
The Cross to me is more than life. There is no foundation in Christianity without what Christ did on the Cross. He did it for me and He did it for you.
This Cross planted signifies the birthplace of the church — Spoken Word Fellowship. It identifies us in this densely populated area as a light for Jesus. All people around can see it and they will be invited to join us, one at a time. They too will have an opportunity to put their old life behind them and be born-again into a life of Christian believers.
Prayer: Father thank you for opening hearts and mines for Your glory! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!