ccm Cross 0232
Tuesday August 6, 2019
Castoffs 2nd Hand Thrift & Consignment Store
Pequot Lakes, MN 56472
ccm Cross 0232

4920 cdd Life of 2nd Chances
Cyber Daily Devotion
Volume 20 Number 119
Today’s Author: Pastor Bill
Scripture: 1 John 1:9
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” NKJV
Hello, my name is Kim Firkus with Castoffs 2nd Hand Store in Pequot Lakes, Minnesota. This is my Cross story of a life with 2nd chances through the strength of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I grew up in Columbia Heights, Minnesota about two hours south of here the youngest of three children. My dad was a Minnesota State Highway Trooper and mom was a part time secretary for our church.
We were a church family while growing up and when the doors were open we were there supporting every effort.
When I was 7 years old we moved to Brainerd, Minnesota. We were in the public school. Every week they had release time for us to receive Christian mentoring. It was during this release time that Jesus became real to me. After my release time experience when I was going to church — I was going to see my best friend, Jesus.
Then in my teen years I challenged everything. Parents, school and yes Jesus. I fell away. When I was 19 I married. Without Jesus that marriage failed miserably. My life was as far from church and Jesus as it could get.
I gave church another try (my first 2nd chance). Jesus was there when I walked through the door. He instantly forgave everything. My life was in a shambles but slowly the lights were turning on.
I met Dana, my husband, he was a Christian but didn’t attend church. He was a good man and he loved me. Together we grew in the Lord. We made mistakes but Jesus was always there to forgive.
We married and started our life together (Jesus had given me a second 2nd chance) Soon we had our daughter Trista. We lived in a trailer house and we struggled a bit, but the Lord was good. Over time we grew in the Lord and doors began to open. The first was an estate sale for a house. We had a limited budget, but the Lord made sure we were in it.
This home had some land and our community needed a secondhand store. I had received the grace of Jesus when he gave me my 2nd chances. He had received me back in church and he brought Dana into my life.
It just made good sense that in a secondhand store I could talk with, witness to and pray for people who needed a 2nd chance.
That was 17 years ago and even today my favorite thing to do when people come into our store is share Jesus with them. If they are hurting I listen and pray. If they are in trouble I listen and pray. If they are thinking suicide I listen and pray. If they need help I listen and pray. The Holy Spirit does the rest in their lives. (2nd chances for everyone who asks.)
My favorite Bible verse is John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” NKJV
The Cross to me is a symbol of the love of Jesus and what He did in washing away my sins. His love is full of 2nd chances.
With this Cross planted I want to show everyone I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and I am proud to a Christian. People have told me if I put a Cross up we may receive some flack and lose business. So be it. Jesus reigns in my life and I want everyone to know it.
Prayer: Father thank you for Jesus and 2nd chances that transform lives everyday for those who believe. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen