ccm Cross 0220
March 18, 2019
Lundie Congregation
Uniting Presbyterian Church
Willowvale, South Africa
ccm Cross 0220
GPS/DMS 32.2631° S, 28.5039° E
Additional Photos After Testimony
4860 cdd The Mountain Top
Cyber Daily Devotion
Volume 20 Number 109
Today’s Author: Pastor Bill
Scripture: Isaiah 52:7
“How beautiful upon the mountains, Are the feet of him who brings good news, Who proclaims peace, Who brings glad tidings of good things, Who proclaims salvation” NKJV
Hello, my name is Reverend Thabo Noti with the Uniting Presbyterian Church in Willowvale, South Africa. I was the first born of six children growing up in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. My dad was a policeman and mom was an Animal Health Officer. We were a strong church going Christian family.
While I was growing up, I was a good kid but was not sure about all this church stuff. I listened but didn’t hear too much that excited me. Then at age 15 everything changed. Our church was holding a revival with an evangelist and as I was listening, I heard what was being said. The evangelist was talking about Moses, a burning bush that wouldn’t burn and saving the people. Everything fell into place and I received Jesus Christ as Lord in my life.
I finished high school with a desire to know more about Jesus. But electrical engineering was my passion. I entered University to be an engineer. Then came my call. I didn’t ask for it nor did I expect it. I had a vision of the sun and all the stars. They were in the sky at the same time. Then one by one the stars were consumed into the sun. I asked the Holy Spirit for guidance and heard that Jesus is the Sun and the stars are His leaders. And the Holy Spirit confirmed I was one of the stars.
It was clear to me that electrical engineering was not for me. I enrolled in Bible school in Pretoria, South Africa. Two years later while in my studies I met Mhihle, the love of my life. One year later I graduated as a representative for Jesus Christ.
I was assigned as an Assistant Pastor to a church in Durban, South Africa. I reported for duty expecting to be an assistant and immediately found that I was the Pastor. I prayed and asked the Lord, “What should I do.” His response was clear, “This is what I called you to do.” I learned how to evangelize door to door while building the church.
One year later I was transferred to a church in Cape Town, South Africa. My evangelizing from Durban paid off as once again I was telling everyone about Jesus door to door. The first year was tough but the Lord helped me through. Then Mhihle and I married. Currently we have three children, all boys: Aloyiswd 11, Luhle 5 and Abukhanyise 2 months.
I continued in Cape Town evangelizing door to door. We built a strong youth department. We filled the church with young adults. We prayed as a congregation. I prayed continually. The church grew.
We were there a total of four years and then we were transferred to the top of this mountain in Meadowvale, South Africa. Everything was different up here. Gone was the hustle and bustle of a major city like Durban and Cape Town. In its place were mountainous dirt roads and remote villages. It was our first time in a rural community.
House to house evangelism was sometimes an hour or two away. But I enjoy counseling people and if it took more time to get there then I had more time to pray for who I was meeting.
When we arrived to serve the youngest person in the church was 55 years old. We set out to work with the youth. We built the church back up one visit at a time. Youth began coming, young adults and the building was filling up.
Now we are undergoing a major renovation of the building. We are making it a place that people will want to be to find great fellowship, delicious food and Jesus Christ. And now this beautiful white Cross. Thank you, Pastors Bill and Carol and your readers, for such a wonderful gift.
Recently I had a dream. In my dream I was confronted by a large snake. It would not allow me to pass by. The snake attacked me and I destroyed it. Then I went on my way. It is clear to me that this snake represented the forces of evil aligned against our congregation. I walked in victory in the dream and we are walking in that victory as a congregation.
I was preaching one Sunday when in the middle of my sermon three men dressed in white entered the back of the church. They stood and watched me while looking all around at the people. When I spoke the AMEN at the end of my sermon they disappeared. I asked several elders who they were. No one ever saw them.
I asked my dad about the three men and he asked me to describe them. The one to left first, the one in the middle and then the one on my right. When I finished my dad said, “I’m not sure who the men on the left and right are but you described your grandfather in great detail, in the middle, as you were talking.” My grandfather passed away one week after I was born. He was a traveling evangelist for the Lord!
One more interesting aspect of life with the King of Kings. I prepare my sermons systematically and deliver it by the numbers. One Sunday the Holy Spirit had me speak on a completely different subject with no preparations. When I completed my sermon, I was confronted by a member of our church who said, “Pastor, your sermon today was exactly what I needed. Thank you for being obedient to the Lord.” This has happened many times over the course of my preaching.
My favorite Bible verse is John 16:33, “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” NKJV
The Cross is where people congregate from the North, South, East and West to hear about Jesus Christ. The word of God for all four corners. And when they come Jesus is here.
This white Cross planted is a beacon for all who can see it from our mountain top. The Saviour of the World is here and now is your time to meet Him.
Prayer: Father thank you for the opportunities you open when ordinary people step out and accept You as Lord of their life. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!