ccm Cross 0218
March 18, 2019
Main Congregation
Uniting Presbyterian Church
Ngcobo, South Africa
ccm Cross 0217
GPS/DMS 31.6728° S, 27.9835° E
Additional Photos After Testimony
4850 cdd Overcoming Challenges
Cyber Daily Devotion
Volume 20 Number 099
Today’s Author: Pastor Bill
Scripture: Romans 8:28
“We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose” NKJV
Hello, my name is Reverend Sonwabo Sihlahla with the Uniting Presbyterian Church of Ngcobo, South Africa. I was born near Port Elizabeth, South Africa the fourth of six children. Our dad died when I was very young. Mom was elderly and not well, so we lived on a government pension. Our income was very small, but we got by.
We were a church family and mom made sure whenever the church doors were open, we were there. I was a good kid never causing my family trouble. I graduated high school and knew I wanted to be a minister of the Gospel
My desire to be a Pastor caused me to challenge God. Without the financial resources to pay for my education I prayed for help. It took six years to complete all my studies, but the biggest miracle of my life was as I graduated all my schooling was paid. It was clear the Lord did it. Along the way the Holy Spirit gave me a gift. The Gift of Administration. I didn’t realize it at the time because as a youth I no administrative skills, but time would prove my gift would make a way for me wherever there was no way.
Upon graduation I married Thotyelwa and the Lord blessed us with four children: Aseirlmahle is a girl age 25, Mbasa is a boy age 19, Sinvouyo is another boy age 14 and Jotela is also a boy age 4.
My first church assignment was in Soweto, South Africa. As a new pastor I had many challenges. But the Lord was good, and my newly acquired administrative gift quickly organized the church. We built a dynamic men’s group. Then we renamed the church so younger people could better identify with us. We added a building program. We were there five years and the church grew strong in the Lord.
Next we were in Gatyana, South Africa, not far from here. There we established a leadership team that would work to unite with another congregation and merge into a strong fellowship for the Lord. My administrative gift was developing and would help complete the project. We did it in less than three years.
Then we came to this congregation. The Main Congregation. It received its name because there were churches scattered all around a huge area. This one was the foremost church that all the others looked to for leadership.
Our challenges were different here, but the same Lord was present to help us grow. The congregation at this church was older than in other congregations. My gift would once again be stretched and the Lord would lead the way.
The building was run down. The congregation did not have the resources or the energy to rebuild. It was clear we would have to re-build the people first. Here my administrative gift developed prayer teams. We revitalized the men’s program. We encouraged hospitality. And slowly younger people were more comfortable worshiping here.
We began a massive building program where everyone joined in. My administrative gift was enlarged again. The Lord gave everyone a job to do.
Two weeks ago, we dedicated our new Church building to the Lord. The congregation is now young and vibrant, up and coming in our community.
I talk a lot about my administrative gift, but the Lord has also blessed me with the gift of healing. It started when I was confronted by a member who was overcome with strong headaches. Doctors were helpless as medicine did nothing. Our member asked for prayer. I prayed and our member was healed. The headaches never returned.
That opened the opportunity to pray for others. Now healing prayer is a common part of our service. We pray and Jesus heals.
I’ve had several visions where I saw churches grow. God has allowed me to see this and then it happens. It is the strangest thing. One day I see it in a vision and then sometime down the road of life it happens. What a wonderful God we serve!
Then I’ve had an interesting encounter with God The Father. He allowed me to see heaven. It was a wonderful place. Very peaceful and filled with people. Happy people. Some black and some white. Nothing was said — it was so pleasant and peaceful.
The Cross to me represents a symbol for Jesus Christ unto salvation.
This Cross planted today shouts to all who pass by: There is a home here for you. It is a place where everyone can be healed. Here it is, Jesus awaits.
Prayer: Father thank you for Your gifts of the Holy Spirit which bring life through Jesus Christ to any situation. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!