ccm Cross 0184
Monday August 27, 2018
Greater Faith Ministries
Paynesville, Liberia
ccm Cross 0184
GPS/DMS 6°19’38.2″N 10°41’31.83″W

Additional Photos after Testimony
4692 cdd All Through The Night
Cyber Daily Devotion
Volume 19 Number 201
Scripture: Luke 6:12b
“And continued all night in prayer to God” NKJV
Hello, my name is Pastor Oscar Lukella, everyone calls me Pastor Oscar with Greater Faith Ministries, Paynesville, Liberia. This is my Cross testimony of how the Lord has taught me to pray all through the night.
I grew up in Bong County. Fifty miles North East of the Capitol City of Monrovia, Liberia. I am the oldest of five children. My dad was a forklift operator in a warehouse. Mom started a small business selling goods by the street side. We were not a church family.
In 1987 there was a Jesus Film playing at a church. A young lady friend invited me. I went to be with her! Here I heard for the first time of the love of Jesus Christ. I knew I had to accept him as Lord of my directional less life.
I started to go to church. I learned all that I could. I read the Bible and learned more. I joined the choir singing praises to the Lord. In my hunger for Jesus I went to Bible school to learn more. Slowly at first, but very rapidly at the end my old life disappeared, and I was a new creature in Christ.
I graduated Bible school in the middle of the Civil War. It was a very tough time as friends and family felt the devastation of the battles. I started working on the Presidents rubber plantation far from the Capitol City of Monrovia. Here I began preaching to anyone who would listen. Everyone eventually listened as fear from the devastation of the Civil War struck their hearts. People were listening to what Jesus had to say. A friend encouraged me to start a church. I said, “It will be in the capital City, Monrovia.”
With the Civil War spinning out of control I started a children’s ministry to protect the children from the bombs and harm in Monrovia. The children’s ministry grew quickly as we cared for the kids teaching and giving them shelter. We shared the love of Jesus with them and their parents when they needed it most.
At this time, I met my wife Korpo. We married and today we have 3 children, all boys.
Today we are known as Greater Faith Ministries Church. The Lord has given me the Gift of prayer. When people are in need I pray, and the Lord directs me what to do for them. A lady came to me for prayer. She was barren and suffering because she could not have children. I prayed and asked the Lord to open her womb. She now has three healthy children and is our choir director.
In 2016 a man in our church was run over by a mini truck. His back was crushed, and he had no leg movement. Six months after his accident he asked for prayer. I fasted and prayed 14 days. The final day I prayed all through the night. In the morning he moved his legs without pain for the first time since the accident. He walks today because Jesus touched his life. To God be all the glory!
The Cross to me means Redemption. Because Jesus Christ gave His life for me I am part of the redeemed and will be with Him in Glory.
This Cross planted is a symbol of what Jesus did for all mankind. He alone saves. There is no one who matches the Love, Joy and Peace we receive when Jesus takes control of our lives.
My favorite Bile verse is: John 10:30 “I and My Father are one.” Jesus clearly is God who is manifested as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. An awesome trinity of Love, Compassion and Power.
Prayer: Father thank you that in times of great need Your compassion for those that love You is greatest. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!