ccm Cross 0164
Friday January 26, 2018
Kgomokasitwa Village
Lobatse, Botswana
ccm Cross 0164
GPS/DMS 25°05′33″S 25°37′17″E

Additional pictures after Testimony
4516 cdd In the Hands of the Lord
Cyber Daily Devotion
Volume 19 Number 025
Today’s Author: Pastor Bill
Scripture: 1 Peter 5:6
“Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time” NKJV
Hello, my name Marinda de Bruyn and this is my Cross testimony of how my husband Callie and I have been held in the Hands of the Lord, day by day, as we looked to Him for guidance.
I grew up in South Africa near the Botswana border. My dad, as oldest in his family received the family farm from my grandparents. I am the eldest of two girls and a younger brother growing up on the farm. My dad and mom were proficient in most farm operations and we grew corn, sunflowers and peanuts. While raising 15,000 chickens, cattle, pigs, goats and sheep.
We were a Christian family and Sunday was set aside for the Lord and worship. Our farm was remote so at a very young age dad and mom taught me to put my trust in Jesus. Teaching me to pray whenever fear presented itself.
Because we lived very far from the school in town, dad drove me to school and left me for the week. Mom picked me up on Friday afternoon. Four years later the local farm school started a bus service and my sister, and I walked to the bus stop to attend school. The walk was long and challenging through snake and animal infested fields. I knew we would be alright as we walked and prayed. We knew we were In the Hands of the Lord.
When I entered high school, I met my future husband when I was 15. Callie was 16. We were friends through high school and went to university together. We married in our last year of university.
After graduation Callie began work as a teacher. I received my teaching degree in math but settled in as a house wife. We moved around from teaching job to teaching job for Callie and had three daughters. Sonja, Christel and Carlien. We all loved the Lord and regularly attended and participated in church. The Hand of the Lord was on us.
When the girls were all in school I started teaching math.
We moved a few more times. When Callie received a teaching position the school always needed a math teacher, so I got a job too. Then I got pregnant with our fourth child. During the pregnancy we lost the baby. It was a traumatic time, but we sensed the Hand of the Lord holding us up. I was not recovering quickly, and my doctor took some tests. I was diagnosed with breast cancer on Tuesday and on Thursday (my birthday at age 38) I had a double mastectomy and complete reconstruction, this was in 1994. Through it all we sensed the Hand of the Lord was providing peace.
My recovery was swift, and I was back teaching. My doctor expressed that I was one out of five million women completing this surgery without needing chemo or radiation. The speed and completeness of the surgery and healing reflects of being in the Hands of the Lord as fear never entered in.
I was completely healed and annually still receive a check up with the good news that there is no more cancer. To God be all the Glory!
Shortly after, affirmative action changed education as we knew it in South Africa. There was no place for Callie as a teacher and we began farming Ostriches. The President of Botswana called Callie asking if he would come and help with Ostrich farming in his country. We sold everything and moved to Botswana.
My Botswanan home was a Caravan. Our youngest daughter Carlien was in high school, while Sonja and Christel were away in university. Christel eventually getting married. The caravan was home for a while and I had a very large dog for protection while Callie traveled for work. I was new in the area and had few friends. But the Hand of the Lord was always watching over me. Then the dog died. It was then I understood just how much the Lord was watching.
I buried the dog behind the Caravan. The next day the police showed up. They wanted to know what I buried behind the caravan? I learned that there was an elderly man in neighborhood who was caring for me and watching to be sure I was safe. Thank you, Lord!
We were living in Botswana and traveled across the border every Sunday to go to church in South Africa. Callie’s pension after leaving his teaching position was supposed to come. Weeks turned into months as it never showed up. This Sunday we were headed to church and Callie said, “I spent the last of the money I have for fuel for the car.” I said, “The last of the food in the cupboard is in a basket with us.” With no pension funds coming in and the Ostrich enterprise not yet producing income, Callie said, “I’m going to have to ask the people at church for help.” We agreed.
We drove to church with our fate in the complete hands of the Lord. When we arrived, a man met us as we drove in. He handed Callie an envelope which he received and stuffed into his pocket. We hurried into church.
After church we walked to our car and a lady met me. She invited me to the back of the church where there were boxes and boxes of food, cleaning aides and everything we needed to live. Although we were going to ask for help we didn’t have the opportunity. We were once again in the Hands of the Lord. Callie opened the envelope and found 5,000 Rand. The money and food lasted until the pension checks finally arrived. We have never been in need since.
Then Callie had his accident (Cross #0056) on his motorcycle. Through it all I was
never afraid, and I felt the Hands of the Lord holding us up.
My favorite Bible verse is Psalm 18: “I will love You, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom I will trust; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised” Psalm 18:1-3b
Our local village is Kgomokasitwa which means “The place where the cattle get cold.” Today we are neighbors in the Lord. We asked all the churches in the village if they would support a Cross on the hill overlooking the village. There answer was a resounding “YES.” On the day we planted the Cross and dedicated it 14 churches helped with the work. It was a Jesus day with no denominational hang ups. To God be all the Glory!
The Cross to me is that Jesus Christ is Lord because He died for my sins.
This Cross tells everyone in the village that together with them we love the Lord. Callie always shares a prayer at the village meetings.
There is a sign in their native language as one enters the village that says: “Arrive with the rain — arrive with a blessing.” This area is on the fringe of the Botswana desert and every drop of water is seen as a blessing from the Lord.
When Callie was born it rained. It earned him the name “Rapula”. You would say “Rain Man”.
When Callie and I got married it rained so hard and long we needed a tractor to pull our car out of the mud.
When we first viewed this land (Thabantle) it rained earning me the name “Mapula” or “Rain Woman”.
When we started to dig our first foundation — it rained!
Through the technology of well drilling we now have the finest and the most water in our area. We now offer it to villagers for free. It’s the Lord’s water and it is for His kingdom use.
In Botswana rain and water are a blessing. And we want to share our blessings with as many people as we can to the Glory of God!
Prayer: Father thank you for Your hands that show us the way to Jesus. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!