ccm Cross 0004
January 18, 2010
Shalom Children’s Home
Heidelberg, South Africa
ccm Cross #0004

Additional photos below testimony
2441 cdd Jesus is the Light
Cyber Daily Devotion
Volume 11 Number 050
Today’s Author: Pastor Bill
Scripture: John 8:12
Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” NKJV
A young couple from Heidelberg, South Africa — Henk and Juanita Van Zyl — were called by God to start an orphanage for HIV/AIDS orphans. This is their story to Give God All the Glory as today January 18, 2010 we built a Cross at the orphanage.
Fourteen years ago Henk and Juanita moved to Heidelberg, South Africa to open a new business. Soon after they arrived a local pastor witnessed to Juanita and at the end of the day she accepted Jesus Christ as Lord in her life. Her born again experience included bright lights and a revelation of who Jesus Christ is in her life. A few months later Henk received Jesus Christ as his personal savoir and the desire to start a new business vanished.
Their business desire was replaced by a burning passion to feed the homeless and less advantage. This they did for several months until all the money they had saved to start their new business was gone. Now it was God’s turn.
With their own reserves depleted Henk and Juanita turned to God and prayed for him to provide the means for them to continue. Soon doors were opening and local businesses began donating food for them to distribute
While distributing food they met the less fortunate — many of which were street kids. These kids had mostly been abandoned by their parents who had died of HIV/AIDS. They did not desire to be on the street
but had no alternative.
Henk and Juanita began to accept these kids into their home. A tiny two bedroom home was soon busting at the seams, with street kids, seeking help. Again Henk and Juanita prayed and asked God for help if they were to continue providing shelter to the HIV/AIDS Homeless Children. Within days a man stopped his car in front of their house. A man they had never met before directed them to a vacant train station in town. He suggested they contact Spoornet (South African Rail Road) and move their kids to their buildings
The buildings had been thoroughly trashed and needed everything from running water to electric lights. They were allowed by Spoornet to use the buildings and currently have 70 + street kids living at Shalom Children’s Ministry and a staff of 19 to help out.
Since their commitment to proceed God has met their every need. And they Give God All The Glory, by building this Cross, for the many miracles they have witnessed in their lives — all this since Juanita’s born again experience of bright lights — and the revelation of Jesus Christ.
Prayer: Father thank you for the commitment of Henk and Juanita to care for your HIV/AIDS children in Heidelberg, South Africa. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!

over Heidelberg, South Africa