ccm Cross 0170
Wednesday January 24, 2018
Adaba Emi Church
Sango Ota, Nigeria.
ccm Cross 0170
GPS/DMS 6°43’28.1″N 3°14’47.9″ E

Additional photos after Testimony
4597 cdd Dancing with Angels
Cyber Daily Devotion
Volume 19 Number 106
Today’s Author: Pastor Bill
Scripture: Luke 15:7
“I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance” NKJV
Hello, my name is prophetess Kehinde Olapade Olori with the Adaba Emi Spiritual Church (Cherubim and Seraphim) in Sango Ota, Nigeria., Africa. Everyone calls me Prophetess Adaba Emi. I grew up in Owo, the eastern part of Ondo State, Nigeria. I was the second born child. My father worked as a member of the cooperating, producing and marketing union. My mom was a teacher. We were a church family growing up.
As a young girl I loved going to church and treasured reading the Bible. The second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is no news to me. We were told to forsake all our sins and give our lives to Christ. At a tender age we were told that heaven and hell are real. I believed then as I do now. So, I decided to accept Christ as my Savior. I was born again.
I started fasting and praying which led to divine revelations and prophesies in the form of dreams and visions. This led me to desire more and more of Jesus, to tell others and expand His kingdom here on earth.
I had a vision where I saw myself singing and dancing with angels. It was so wonderful I did not want it to stop. I saw a vision of a barren woman in my church. She was holding a new born baby. I told her of my vision and we rejoiced before the Lord. In a short time, it came to pass.
The one answered prayer miracle that stands out the most for me is praying for a young man who was arrested for a crime he did not commit. He was accused of stealing money from his company. He asked me for prayer while in prison. I saw him released in my vision. I told him so. In two weeks errors were discovered in his case and he was released.
I like receiving revelations from the Lord best. It lets me know that He is trusting me to care for His sheep. Walking in the shoes of a prophetess is a big responsibility. I can do nothing by myself. The Holy Spirit must reveal to me what he wants me to say and do. And when I do, there is such joy in the person receiving. It is clear the Lord cares for each of us.
The Lord has given me the gift of finding solutions for people’s problems through His revelations. It is so wonderful to see how He continually opens doors for people when they have been slammed shut by the world.
When I pray for persecuted members they are granted the help they need. Additionally, bondages of anger, drugs, alcohol and greed have been broken setting people free.
The Cross to me is a constant reminder that Jesus died for our sins making a way for us to have eternal life if we believe.
This Cross planted reaches out to our entire community. It silently tells them that Jesus is no longer on the Cross, but he is alive. In the past few weeks we have had three new members drawn to us by the Cross and they have received Jesus Christ as Lord in their lives.
My favorite Bible verse is Matthew 7:7 “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” NKJV — I believe it, I preach it. And through the visions, revelations, dreams and prophecies I live it every day. To God be all the Glory!
Prayer: Father thank you for hearing and answering prayer for Your Glory. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!