ccm Cross 0007
February 1, 2010
Riverside Ministries
Mwihoko, Kenya
ccm Cross #0007
GPS/DMS 1° 12′ 28.1”S, 36° 55′ 17.5”E
Additional photos after Testimony:
2436 cdd Fire in My Soul
Cyber Daily Devotion
Volume 11 Number 45
Today’s Author: Pastor Bill
Scripture: Psalm 57:4-5
“My soul is among lions; I lie among the sons of men who are set on fire, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword. Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let Your glory be above all the earth” NKJV
My name is Bishop Cosmas Salamba and this is my Cross Testimony: Life in Kenya before I met Christ in 1992 was a constant walk with the devil.
I was a businessman importing and exporting fruits and vegetables. Sure the money was good but every day I was bombarded with decisions that reflected dishonesty. Lying, cheating and stealing were an everyday occurrence. Looking back it is clear that the more evil I became — the more money I made. On the outside I was successful while on the inside I was dying.
My cousin William Wali was one of my best friends. In January 1992 he attended a Christian meeting where the topic of the sermon was the coming judgment. The words of the preacher pierced his heart as the Holy Spirit convicted him of his sins. He struggled with God for a month and finally gave his life to Christ. Then he couldn’t stop talking about his Jesus. The more he talked about Jesus the more he stirred up my soul.
He repeatedly asked me the question: If you were to die tonight where would you spend eternity? I did not have a good answer. I struggled with my cousin and God over this question and less than a month later I too gave my heart to Jesus.
Accepting Jesus and becoming a Christian started a fire in my soul. I knew I had to tell others. As the fire burned it grew stronger. At first I stayed at work seeking the Lord but it became clear that the two did not mix. I needed instruction, I read the Bible, and I took classes where ever and whenever I could — finally I received a ministerial degree from CLIMB Bible College (Christian Leadership Institute of Minnesota & Beyond). My practicing for Christ was now over and it was time to get serious for Jesus. I worked for several other ministries gaining experience preaching and teaching. Armed and prepared for service I launched a ministry to small villages bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ where He was not present.
Currently we are 15 churches strong and growing. I know God has a plan and each day as we pray and seek Jesus he opens new doors of ministry growth.
In 2008 we introduced CLIMB Bible College to the maximum security prison in Naivasha, Kenya. We started with a few inmates and this year we just graduated more than sixty — we already have twice that number enrolled for our next class.
The Commandant for the prison said this about our ministry: “Before CLIMB the prison was unruly and it took four guards to carry out an assignment among the men — One guard to do the assignment and three to protect him. Now, today I can confidently send one guard to complete a task.”
Truly Jesus has done a work in us and in the prisoners.
June of 2009 I met Pastor Bill and he introduced me to Cyber Daily Devotions for Prisons and Jails. Pastor David is our teacher/preacher for the Naivasha Prison and he began immediately to bring the devotions into the prison each week. In the morning before CLIMB teaching begins the inmates review last week’s devotions. When CLIMB teaching is completed for the day the inmates share the devotions with others in the prison.
We are currently in the process of expanding our outreach with the Daily Devotions to four more prisons in and around the Capitol of Nairobi, Kenya — where we hope to expand our CLIMB Bible School. They are Nairobi West Prison, Langata Women’s Prison, Kamiti Maximum Security Prison and the Industrial Area Prison.
When I look at the Cross we built at the church it reminds me of the finished redemption work done by Christ. It inspires me to continue in my calling to reach out to everyone for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Cross declares the Glory of God for establishing this fire in my soul to spread His Kingdom.

in Mwihoko, Kenya, East Africa